Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Back home and already bored

After a few great days with the army, I took Jason back home, so the trip took a bit longer than usual. It was more fun though. 

Still, the poor guy needs to sleep for hours, eat, rest, you know, all those things that I no longer need to do. So, that leaves me bored for almost half the day, sometimes even longer. It's not that I don't like to party (literally) all night, but it does get boring eventually, even if neither money or stamina is a problem. So, I'm looking for some help, what's a super strong girl to do for some entertainment in the big city?


  1. Which big city? I mean my first reaction would be if your in a midwest United States city hop on down to Yosemite and try out the local hot springs, and my hot springs I mean pools of scalding hot water.

    If your on the east coast of the USA< I'd go mess with some physicists heads. I mean seriously, I'd think it be hilarous for some MIT types try to explain your superstrength.

    If your closer to europe, the large hadron collider comes to mind.

    If your in England, and your really bored. Well, start a soccer riot at a bar?

    For more generic ideas, demolotion and bounty hunting might be fun. For the less violent, more fun end, try clubbing with your new body. Love to see the publics reaction.

  2. The Large Hadron Collider is a great idea! It's not in the city, though.

    There is always the random gang trying to get a piece. Or you could do a little urban decorating. Build your own sky rise or move a building here and there.

  3. Zzzz....Amanda that was amaz-ZZZzzzz...

  4. get yourself to a power station and see how many volts you can get through your body, who knows, maybe it will make you even stronger! *wink* *wink*

    Benji Dude

  5. hey amanda its your team we won thanks to you & spinach !

  6. Hey babe, every major US city has a football team. I'd pay to see a scrimmage between you and a bunch of 250lb meatheads. Go Steelers!

    XOXO Meg
