Wednesday 12 August 2009

My Trip - 2

As I came close to the door, I noticed it was a lot bigger than I first thought. It was easily twice as tall as me, which made it about 12ft high and twice as wide. It was surrounded by a wire fence, which I ripped from its posts with a single hand, crumpling it up in my hands like it was tissue paper. I could have had more fun with it, but with the thick steel door ahead, I just tossed it over my shoulder, where it buried itself in a tree.

Standing right outside the door, I decided that slowly would be more fun, but I really wanted to test my strength properly. Luckily, the door was constructed as a sliding door with two halves that met in the middle. I could amuse myself slowly with the left half, and see how fast I break the right half.

Not wasting any more time, I forced my fingers of my left hand into the hardened steel. My nails dug through the door as if it was loose sand, not armor plate. I kept pushing my hand in, amazed at the feeling of the metal simply being pushed aside by my smooth skin and amazing strength. Deeper it went, until my whole hand was in the door, then my lower arm and finally my fingers emerged on the other side, my upper arm halfway into the door. I curled my hand into a fist and starting bending it upward, flexing my biceps.

I could feel, and hear, the inside of the door compressing, bending away from my arm. At the same time, my biceps was stretching the hole I made from 15 inch diameter to a massive 25 inch diameter hole. I can't describe how amazing it feels to have metal being forced around your body. I could feel the amazing force I put into the door, the pressure it caused on my skin, muscles and bone and I could feel how little effect it had on my body. 

Remembering to take it slow, I forced in my other arm, as far away from the original hole as it could go. Slowly, I started pulling on both my arms, hoping to pull this end of the door out. After all, I came here looking for some free weights, I might as well start right away. It turned out that the Soviet Union was better at making frames then doors, because all that happened is that I pulled my muscular arms straight through the hardened steel of the doors, leaving to gashes in the meter thick door. 

Change of plans, I thought. If I can pull it out, I'll push it out. Hoping to enlarge the surface area of my body, I flexed all my muscles, holding my arms out to the side and my legs wide, I started taking small steps towards the door. The first thing that happened was that my breasts touched the door, the cold steel making my nipples swell and press into the door, followed by the rest of my breasts. Not compressing at all, the forced their way into the door. When my thighs touched the door, they too started bending the metal inwards and around them, I was getting a little annoyed. I pressed my whole body to door, when my abs finally touched the door, it stopped bending and I could hear the breaking sound of concrete and rock over the whine of metal. Two more steps and the door dropped inside with a loud smash.

One side down, one to go. Stepping inside the hallway behind the door, it considered the best way to take the other door out quickly. I walked a few dozen feet down the hall, spread my arms wide and started running. In two steps I ran 40 miles per hour and in 30 ft I reached 90 miles, when I spread my arms and legs wide and jumped at the door.

That, friends, is something I can't recommend doing. Well, obviously not for other people, they'd end up with broken bones and in great pain, but I'm not doing it again either. As soon as I'd contacted the remaining half of the door, the steel flowed around me, filling every bit of space it could go. That meant the steel flowed like a liquid around me until the door flew free from the mounting, landing 50ft away from the opening. That wasn't the problem.

The problem was the steel going literally everywhere. Now, don't get me wrong, I didn't mind the cold, hard steel getting into certain parts of my body, that was actually quite pleasurable and something I would experiment with later on during my trip. No, the problem was steel going into other parts of my body. 

The least concern was the metal that got into my mouth. It turns out that, if you have a super powered mouth and tongue, steel is quite tasty with a unique texture. A slightly more annoying problem was steel forcing its way into my nose. A small blow later launched two steel plugs over 10ft into the dirt. No, the biggest problem was steel getting into my ears. I ended up pushing so hard on my ears that the steel liquefied and ran out, what a bother! Still, with my superiority proven over the door, I felt good walking inside.

Amanda 1 : Soviet engineering 0.


  1. Hey Amanda,
    when you like the feeling of metal on your body, how would it be when you take a warm bath after your workout? In molten metal of course. Should be enjoyable for you. ;)

  2. There are plenty of active volcanoes on the ocean floor you could take a bath in. Fo course, if you need to breath that could be a problem. The warmth and the pressures would be good for your muscles.

    Kellie has been telling me lately that she feels "godlike". It's starting to make me worry. I mean it has to be a pretty incredible feeling to be so far above any man or his machines. Do you ever feel that way?

  3. Mmmm, bathing in molten steel sounds great, I'll have to go look for some soon.

    As for feeling godlike, I constantly feel like that. It's knowing that I can do absolutely anything I want to and nobody can do anything about it. The feeling I get from using my immense strength is actually divine ;)

  4. Finding it would be easier, but making it yourself would be more fun. ;)

  5. You might prove your godhood at some point. Otherwise the world might not leave you alone.
