Saturday 22 August 2009

Testing Amanda - 2

This is Part 2, I suggest reading Part 1 first, followed by Mr. Stone's part in the comments.


I quietly laughed to myself during his whole explanation. "Any speed I can reach", we'll see about that, but I smiled and nodded. "Medical help", my smile turned into a wide grin. "650 miles per hour", I couldn't hold it and let out a little chuckle.

"What's the matter", he asked. "Oh, nothing, I'm just looking forward to testing out your equip... I mean, myself." I stepped inside, seeing one wall was covered in one-way glass. Well, one-way if you're not me, I could quite clearly make out four people on chairs and Mr. Stone entering the room behind them. I could also easily hear them talking, mostly about me. 

"Oh, one thing", I asked to nobody in particular, "You wouldn't happen to have a spare outfit for me, would you?" I heard them discussing with each other, the man in the middle of the room, wearing a lot of medals, told another man in a lab coat to tell me they had anything I needed. He pushed a button and repeated every word over speakers in the ceiling. I just smiled and said thanks.

I got on the belt, turned it on and started walking, holding down the button to make it go faster. The man in the lab coat kept reading out my speed over the speakers, while another one read out other data, not over the speakers of course, but I could still hear it.

I started off at a slow jog, "55 miles" I heard as I held down the button. "120 miles" I heard "no change in heartbeat respiration or perspiration", said the other man. I just kept smiling, jogging and holding down the button.

As the numbers got higher, the three men in the room not wearing lab coats started talking more and more, claiming it was impossible for a girl (yes, they called me a girl), to be running at 450, 475, 490 miles per hour without any effort. I sped up, pausing at 650 mph. "This was the record, right?" I asked, not bothered by the insanely fast speed. "Uhh... uhh, yes, it is" a trembling voice came back. "You mean it was", I said, as I held down the button more.

My legs, already a blur to the observers, broke the sound barrier, creating several sonic booms per second as the easily kept pace with the belt. The lab coat stopped telling me how fast I was going, but thankfully, I could still listen in. "She's going 1200 miles per hour and her heartbeat is still normal". "That can't be, she has to be faking it" responded the man with the medals. "No, she's not, it's all real", Mr. Stone responded. I just kept jogging, faster and faster. I might actually have to start running soon.

Of course, I was getting worried a bit now. Not that I would get tired, or that I couldn't keep up, but my leg muscles were getting so pumped, they were about to burst out of my hot pants. "I think it's time for those extra clothes guys" I said, three seconds before my butt tore out of the hot pants, flinging them across the room. "Told you so", I said to the five open-mouthed stares behind the glass.

In the mean time, the belt had sped up to 1950 miles per hour without me noticing. It was starting to shake with every step I took. The observers had stopped talking and were just staring now, as the rest of my muscles were also swelling up from the workout.

When I reached around 2150 miles per hour, something unexpected happened. The treadmill belt gave out, tearing apart and flapping against the rear wall. I didn't expect this, so my next step was right between the motors and gears. It didn't hurt me of course, but it was a step that was propelling me at 2150 miles per hour, so that was the speed I was catapulted across the room. The math was simple: 350 lbs of pure, harder-than-steel muscle * 2150 miles per hour + concrete wall = one large hole and a rather super girl.

They should have been happy I'd been able to brace myself and come to a stop in the hallway, before anyone got hurt, but nooo. As I got up and brushed the concrete shards off of me (crushing a few of them, making the dust worse), the man with the medals slammed the door open, "Sorry I broke your wa..." before I could finish, he started shouting at me. After half a minute of this, I just picked him up by his collar, put him behind me and walked over to Mr. Stone. Holding a massive a slab of concrete in front of me to cover up, I asked "So, what's next?"

1 comment:

  1. "Well first, could you put down the Sergeant?"

    Amanda had almost forgotten the man she'd slung over her shoulder and covered her mouth sheepishly.

    "Sorry." She offered half-heartedly.

    "I'm sorry. I thought they had actual clothes for you, but we didn't expect...well...your expansion."

    I offered her duct tape. She looked at me with doubt.

    "Gee, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you'd want me naked. All you have to do is ask, Jason."

    "I swear that's all we have." I said truthfully. Although, I truthfully wanted her naked.

    She rolled her eyes and applied the tape over herself more for our dignity than her own. She certainly didn't seem to be bothered standing next to me with her top singed, bare-foot, and her vagina on display.

    I thought back to the last test and how her nipples seemed to harden the faster she ran. It was as if she enjoyed the effort. The data certainly showed she had.

    I left Amanda in a waiting room as I went over the data.

    "Tell me something good, gents!" I was hopeful.

    They looked at each other before responding.

    "She topped out the machine, sir."

    "Obviously. I was there, too, remember?"

    "Well, everything was normal. By all indication, she'd wasn't really even trying."

    For the first time in my life I was speechless. I couldn't let her know that, though. So I straightened out my uniform and walked out to greet Amanda again.

    She is incredible to look at. Perfect from head to toe. What's worse is that she knows it.

    "That was very impressive, Amanda." I tried to keep my composure. She noticed my nervousness and played off it.

    "Not really. Your little machine broke before I could open up."

    I didn't want to say it, but she did.

    "I wasn't even breathing hard!" I looked up at her and she smiled down at me.

    "Please follow me." I said trying my best to focus ahead of me and not the breast that lead the way.

    I punched a code into a massive armored door and stood back waiting for the heavy machine to open the way in. Amanda rolled her eyes. She looked so cute doing so, and walked forward. Metal screamed over my protests as her breasts carved into the door followed by her body.

    I verbally reprimanded her over the overstressed door still trying to open as she acted like it was an accident. I waivered for the first time in my life.

    "If I didn't know any better, Jason, I think you have a crush on me!" I ignored the comment and pointed to her next station.

    "Please step over here. This is the next generation of armor. There are four sample plates in front of you. I don't think I have to explain what we need you to do."

    Immediately, Amanda was surrounded with scientist attaching probes to her body and taking notes. After a moment, I motioned toward the 4 plates.

    "Ready when you are, Amanda."
